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Wood heating: is your family safe?

Are you lucky enough to have a wood-burning stove? Have you just bought a property with a wood-burning system and are not familiar with maintenance tips? Here’s how to make sure your heating appliance is safe for you, your family and your home.

Every year, hundreds of fires are caused by wood-burning fireplaces or stoves. Poor maintenance of your heating system can also lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.

It’s essential to call in a specialist once a year to sweep your chimney and remove the soot and creosote deposits that can cause fires. The best time to have your chimney swept is in spring.

Before cold weather

Calling in a professional is important, but there are also steps you can take yourself.

In the autumn, before using your fireplace or wood-burning stove for the first time, take a small mirror to look inside the chimney. Check for any bird nests or loose parts. Also, make sure that the joints and bricks are in good condition. Is the door still watertight? Do you see any signs of rust? These are signs that further maintenance is required.

Important precautions

  • When you’re ready to light your first fire of the season, make sure there are no objects, nearby, that could trip you up. The room should be well ventilated.
  • By the way, before lighting the fire, open the hatch to ensure good air circulation. Don’t close the door as soon as the fire starts, because if there isn’t enough air, the risk of fire increases, as does the presence of toxic smoke.
  • Use newspaper, kindling and then a few well-dried logs. Avoid damp or resinous wood, colored flyers, plastic, household waste, cardboard and liquid or gel accelerants.
  • Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and carry a portable fire extinguisher while making sure you understand how it works.
  • Keep in mind that ash remains hot for up to three days. If you want to remove them immediately, use a metal shovel and place them in a metal container with a metal lid. Place it away from the house and any flammable objects, and wait several days before emptying the ashes into a garbage can or compost bin.
  • Remember that the majority of dangers relating to wood-burning fireplaces and stoves are caused by bad installation or bad use of the appliance. Don’t hesitate to call in a specialist for all your wood-burning needs. This will ensure that the installation complies with the manufacturer’s standards, and that it is carried out by a member of the Association des professionnels du chauffage.
  • You should also notify your insurance company that you’re using a wood-burning appliance. Your premium will be higher, but you’ll be well protected in the event of a fire caused by your wood-burning system.

There’s nothing quite like enjoying the sight of a fireplace with real flames dancing about. However, this little pleasure comes with a few safety tips!

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